The Inner Circle Round Up: Media News You Can Use October 2020

By Dee Donavanik

No, we’re not living in some horror film. It’s still spooky season, and coronavirus and the election are still THE topics dominating the news cycle for yet another month. With election day just around the corner, it’s hard to imagine that there’s ever going to be another topic of conversation. But there are!  And there are plenty of outlets out there who focus on things besides politics (but also, a lot of outlets that also focus on politics, including some new ones below).  Go back and read some of our other monthly round-ups and revisit some opportunities you may have missed.  As always, if you’ve come across anything we should be keeping on our radar, please tweet us all about it at @ScottCircle!


The End of an Era: Playbook Authors Move On

After nine years at the helm, Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman will be moving on from POLITICO Playbook at the end of the year. The reporters have made this the #1 insider newsletter for all those who want to be in the know about who’s who and what’s what in Washington. 

The Inner Circle Take: While they haven’t quite announced their next venture quite yet, we know whatever project Palmer and Sherman take on next is sure to be a must follow for anyone who is working on political issues. We’ll be watching closely to see what they have in store!

Axios: Going Loca

Speaking of POLITICO offshoots, Axios (the news site founded by POLITICO alumni) will also be launching a new project in 2021 in the form of daily local newsletters. Per the outlet, “local reporters will deliver scoops, offer sharp insights and curate the best local reporting in our proven ‘Smart Brevity’ style.  The first markets will include Denver, De Moines, Minneapolis and Tampa.

The Inner Circle Take:  We know there’s A LOT of news out there, and that’s probably why the newsletter trend continues to be so popular. People want to know the top stories, and they want it fast. As lots of local publications shut down due to budgetary constraints, it’s great to see that outlets like Axios are expanding to cover the issues happening in people’s own backyards. And as we’ve seen, sometimes it’s those local stories that end up getting a lot of attention and making national headlines.

He’s Back: The Return of Jon Stewart 

2021 just keeps on giving with yet another new outlet to look forward to. He’s made a guest appearance here and there, but ever since retiring from The Daily Show, we’ve had a serious lack of Jon Stewart in our lives.  But it looks like we’re in luck, because he couldn’t stay away for too long. Stewart just inked a deal with Apple for “an all-new current affairs series [that will] explore a host of topics at the center of both the national conversation and his own advocacy work.”

The Inner Circle Take: Stewart is known for his wit and commentary, so we’re really looking forward to what he does next, and the format this next project takes. We know that securing a guest interview back when he hosted The Daily Show was always a huge PR win, so we’ll stay tuned to see if this new venture presents similar opportunities. 

Planet: More Coverage on Climate Change

The climate change crisis is not going away, and it’s still one of the biggest issues of our time. More and more outlets are dedicated verticals to covering the topic, and The Atlantic is throwing its hat into the ring with a new section: Planet. As reporter Robinson Meyer noted, “We recognize — as you might too — that climate change is the backdrop of our lives and one of the moral crises of the century, a globe-spanning force reshaping how we work, how we play, how we shop, and how we vote. ‘Planet’ will cover climate change in the present tense — not as a distant threat, but as a force that is already reconfiguring business, culture, society, and life on Earth.”

The Inner Circle Take: Remember that climate change is a broad topic that touches so many different components of our life.  It’s not just environmental experts or scientists that might have something to say. Think outside the box about how climate impacts the economy, race and culture, health, and other issues where you may have an expert who can contribute a different perspective to the conversation!


The Inner Circle Round Up: Media News You Can Use November 2020


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