The Inner Circle Round Up: Media News You Can Use June 2020

By Dee Donavanik

Welcome to the June edition of the Inner Circle Round Up. While the media landscape continues to change throughout this pandemic, we’re seeing more and more outlets adapt to meet consumers where there are.  Similarly, as PR professionals we need to have the ability to pivot quickly, learn how to adapt our messaging and approach our journalist counterparts as a helpful resource.  The resources we provide need to align with the type of information that fits with their coverage format, which as you’ll see below, is constantly changing.

We hope these resources are useful, and we will continue to keep an eye out for new media opportunities we can utilize in our outreach.  Make sure to let us know if you come across any new outlet we may have missed -- we’re over on Twitter at @ScottCircle!

New Media Opportunities 

60 Minutes Expands Reach Through Mobile App Quibi

60 Minutes has launched 60 in 6, a weekly series that “will report an original story in a shorter approximately six-minute form produced specifically for viewers watching on mobile devices.” It’s a new way of shorter form storytelling that will feature journalists from within and outside of CBS News, including Pulitzer Prize winner Wesley Lowery who is featured in the inaugural episodes with an interview of Philonise Floyd, brother of George Floyd.

The Inner Circle Take: Media organizations know that consumers are frequently on the go, so they are adapting to meet them where they are.  PR pros should expect more journalism to adapt to this sort of mobile format and should make it a practice in their own pitching and storytelling to get to the point quickly. 

Axios: New Daily Podcast

Recently launched on June 22, Axios Today is the media organization’s latest podcast. It features host Niala Boodhoo and other Axios journalists, bringing you the latest headlines, news, and insights in a quick 10-minute briefing each morning. 

The Inner Circle Take:  Audio is a trend that continues to grow, especially as more consumers rely on their smart speakers and smartphones to get information.  People are busy and their attention spans may be short - but they still want to stay informed. This is a good resource for PR pros to stay on top of the latest headlines, but also a reminder to encourage your spokespersons to use quotable soundbites! 

Bloomberg: City Lab Relaunches

This month, Bloomberg Media relaunched City Lab as “a site committed to telling the stories of the world’s cities, communities, and neighborhoods - exploring how they work, the challenges they face, and the solutions they need.” The outlet will cover topics related to urban innovation ranging from design to housing to justice.  According to Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait, the relaunch will put “a greater focus on reporting the local story and what it means for the greater society at large.”

The Inner Circle Take: If you turn on the television today, you’ll see that so much of the news is focused on what is happening in specific cities, from Black Lives Matters protests to the latest developments and reactions to the coronavirus pandemic. Local stories are having huge national impact. This may be an opportunity for PR pros to uplift important voices from individual communities that may not have otherwise had a national platform. 

CircleAround: Girl Scouts New Media Outlet

The Girl Scouts are planning to launch a media brand dedicated to positive stories uplifting Girl Scout values. The outlet aims to target women between the ages of 25 and 50. Formats will range from articles, blogs, podcasts and videos with the goal of releasing 150 content pieces per month.  Content topics include news, inspiration, parenting, relationships, work and money.

The Inner Circle Take: There is a growing trend of brands and organizations not only creating their own original content for existing channels, but transitioning into “media organizations” themselves. What better way to push out messaging related to your core values than creating your own channel to do so?  (Editor’s note: of course we are partial to anything circular or spherical in a title)

“Time for...” Improving People’s Lives

Atlantic Media reports that TIME has recently launched three new initiatives as a part of a strategy to improve people’s lives: TIME for Health, TIME for Learning, and Next Advisor (focused on personal finance). They’re also expanding TIME for Kids to a free digital library. According to Maya Raisin, TIME’s SVP for progress marketing, this pandemic has forced “a bit of a test and learn approach… it really forces you to listen to the consumer and adapt to what it is they’re asking for - and to create a product that really fits their needs.”

The Inner Circle Take:  Media organizations are struggling to remain profitable, especially during this time.  In order to stay in demand, they need to pivot to provide the type of stories and resources that their consumers want to read.  It’s all about listening to your audience and creating content that will resonate with them - a lesson for all PR pros to keep in mind with all they do.


Circle Up: July 2020 Edition


The Inner Circle Round Up: Media News You Can Use May 2020